How to Overcome Your Diet and Cooking Anxiety

Cooking can cause all sorts of anxiety, stress and some embarrassment not because you can’t cook but perhaps, you feel like others will judge you. Maybe you have a favourite snack that is just combo mad, perhaps you’ve never even heard of hummus or maybe you feel at home just using the microwave.

Whatever your situation there is nothing to be embarrassed about and here are some thoughts to consider when it comes to diet, cooking and ultimately your relationship with food. 

Food is food

In a world where we’re bombarded with diet ads, recipes and “what I eat in a day” videos it can be hard to know where to start particularly if you’ve been told to eat this, not that. All too often people eat food for its nutrients or purpose rather than as a meal. I certainly remember eating in a regimented way and isolating food groups because I thought eating this, not that, would enhance my gym physique whilst I was at university. 

A meal is the combination of individual ingredients (food) that brings flavour and authenticity together which can bring joy, satisfaction and a sense of community. It doesn’t matter what stage in life you are either because there is always something new you can learn

Your relationship with food 

We all have various relationships in our lives and it also includes what we eat. Culture is a key indicator of what families traditionally consume all over the world and it brings people together! 

For me my relationship with food comes from a background of mental health-related issues which lead to adverse health effects; with so much pressure it can be overwhelming and that’s okay! 

Anyone can begin to work on developing your relationship with food no matter because we enjoy food just because it’s tasty and not because you have to eat. I started by choosing my favourite meal (for me it’s breakfast) and finding a range of simple recipes you can do - there are so many things you can do with oats! Including 3 ingredients recipes, no bake cooking dough protein bars and much more. 

Once you have some routine it can help you to feel much more relaxed and confident. It can always feel like people are always looking at what you eat and I think that’s something you may have to accept, for the reason that people just do with that in mind anyone could feel like the odd one out or people consider what they eat not ‘normal’ food. Realistically, there is no such thing as ‘normal’ - as long as you enjoy what you eat that’s all that matters. 

Breaking the cycle

Open up your world to an array of ingredients you’ve never heard of before and get creative! It might be tough at first but choosing one ingredient at a time and finding recipes with that ingredient, could be a great way to develop your creative flair in the kitchen and have fun! One important aspect about this though, is that experimenting can help to break you out of your typical eating cycle because let’s face it, we all get stuck into the same routine and breaking out can be hard. 

You don’t have to change your lifestyle though, nor do you have to change anything! It could be as simple as having a latté instead of a long black coffee or trying out foods you’d never usually eat. Using hashtags, finding a recipe blog you like or cooking with a friend are ways that you can break your cycle.


Learning about nutritious foods can be helpful too! Knowing that what you’re eating is not only healthy but nutritious can help you want to eat more of it. Remember this motto, “the more you eat, the healthier you get!” 

POV: The one thing I love to eat is ice cream. It’s just frozen fruit but you can also add milk, yoghurt, nut butter, coffee, cacao, pumpkin spice etc. and make anything you want! As long as it comes from mostly whole foods then eat away!

‘Odd’ combinations 

Who says what an odd combo is?! No one!! Opt to learn by those who genuinely lead by example - trying their recipes and if possible cooking with them is going to be an exciting way to get your hands dirty. Why not experiment and make something with your favourite ‘odd’ combo? 

Feeling a bit down about your eating habits? You’re not alone, here are two links to combinations people actually enjoy

POV: I personally enjoy eating baked sweet potatoes with cinnamon. That’s it! It’s so creamy and it’s sort of like a savoury dessert! It’s great with soy greek yoghurt too. 


It’s perfectly okay to feel embarrassed or anxious when cooking or what you eat. Everybody gets it and everybody is looking; even you! So explore what’s out there, eat what you want and enjoy the process! 

Written by Harry Bone

Harry is a percussionist and musician with a passion for sound and creativity. I am a content creator and writer enthusiast as well and I have been using my Instagram platform as a medium for this. An aspiring sound maker and content creator you can find my current adventures at @harrysvegan & @__hbmusic


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