About Us
First and foremost, we are a community.
This is a mission to democratise journalism. We believe that journalism is for everyone. Everyone has a voice and every voice should be heard.
We believe in the simple power of creating, of the person you can be and the happiness you can find when you do what makes you feel good.
The Everyday Magazine is the reason you need to start creating again.
We are read by over 20K (and growing) people per month and are a community of over 600 writers. In under a year, we have enjoyed our first sell out-event, launched our first ever sell-out shop and there is plenty more to come…
It’s all fun and games creating - but it’s too easy to lose motivation if you have nowhere to share it. That’s where The Everyday comes in... We give you a platform and you keep on creating. Sorted.
The Everyday exists because we believe in the power of sharing your work and making time, no matter how small, for what you love.
We are for the Mums, the Dads, the workers, the students, the Carers - we are for Everyday People who just love to write. We are for the people who refuse to let their creative passions fade.
We believe in the way that creating and sharing your work can reconnect you to a lifestyle and motivate you to pursue passions, go out and find new artists, venues and people.
We believe in the change that can come about when you refuse to let your creative passions fade into the background.
You may not be in a creative job, and maybe you don’t even want to be, but there’s still that part of you that adores to create and it’s been missing from your life. And, what’s more, you miss that person you used to be when you created...
So this is the sign you’ve been looking for. This is the reason you need to start creating again.
Get what you want from life - starting with what makes you happy.
We Are More Than 9-5.
Is There A Theme?
No - and there’s a reason for that.
The Everyday exists to give people a platform to share their work, no matter what topic. Choosing a theme is great - but it does mean we’d have to be selective about what we accept and we’re not like that. This magazine isn’t about the readers (we’re shaking things up), it’s for the contributors. That way you can create and explore what you really care about. So, voila, no theme, no restrictions.
Write For Us
We will never ignore your emails or ideas. We PROMISE to always email you back if you want to publish your work with us and, on the rare chance there’s an issue, we will explain why with proper feedback.