Game Writing #2 – A narrative inspired by Raid: Shadow Legends

Becoming a game writer is no easy task and chances are slim of ever becoming one. Realistically speaking, competition is so high that very few ever are lucky enough to become a games writer as a fully-fledged career. But, as always I am here to encourage you to write about what you love. And if gaming is your passion then use it!  

Welcome to my second (#2) in the series of game writing scripts which are inspired by the game Raid: Shadow Legends. Expect new developments in the narrative, twists in the storyline and new characters revealed along the way from our beloved Raid characters. Do you recognise them? Are any of these characters your favourites in gameplay? 

If you missed the first in the series of game writing scripts,I would go back and read it so that you are able to catch up on the storyline 

EXT. Teleria desert lands - day 

The camera slowly moves forward over the map of Teleria and focuses into a desert landscape.  

Juliana, our main character from the Banner Lords faction comes into focus. Beside her stand Woad-Painted and Shaman her new companions. 

The Arbiter requires the team to push on with their quest. They are required to cross over into the mainland to find new recruits. 

Narrator (V.O.) 


The dark shadow cast by the evil Siroth is spreading like wildfire across Teleria. The time has come for Juliana to gather forces together and fight against the villainous enemies taking over their land. Along with her companions, the Shamanic Princess from the Orc faction and Woad-Painted, the Barbarian Princess holding the desert throne to the Barbarian faction, the team of three powerful princesses push on with their quest. They are destined to fight their way into the mainland to find new recruits. With the guidance of her Shaman, Juliana ventures into lands unknown. An unexpected revelation comes to pass as Juliana and her companions pass through the Karaok Castle Gates into the mainland which will change the course of her destiny. 

Juliana, Shaman and Woad-Painted approach the gates to KAraok castle. The gate is guarded by supporters of the evil Siroth.  



I demand passage to the mainland! Make way or be killed where you stand. 

Castle Guards 

All enemies of the Dark Lord are denied passage to the mainland! You shall not pass. All Hail Siroth! 

Juliana takes to arms and SLICES her SWORD against an enemy, who is taken down instantly. Shaman and Woad-Painted raise arms ready for battle. 



I am right beside you Juliana! HARRR!! 

Castle Guards 



[chants in orc language] 


Woad-Painted SLASHED her SWORD and kills one enemy as Shaman releases MAGIC and kills two enemies. WIN. 

The team of three pass through the gate over the bridge. On the other side they come across the Karaok Castle Boss. 





Banner Boss 


This is treason! Who dares pass through the gates onto the mainland? 


I am Princess Juliana of the Banner Lords and these are my companions! We demand passage to the mainland and shall fight to the death. 


Banner Boss 


Haha! Princess of the Banner Lords you say? I am Baron, the Boss of the Banner Lords and we have sworn allegiance to our Lord Siroth. Your dynasty has been overthrown, little lady. ‘Princess Juliana’, hey? Well, your death shall mark the end to your legacy!  




This can not be! The Banner Lords have fallen?! 

Banner Boss 


HaHa! We have RISEN! 


The three princesses take to arms. Shaman releases her BUFFER power to protect her sword-fighting companions Juliana and Woad-Painted as they HACK and SLASH against the BOSS. With sweeping BLOWS the team WINS.  


EXT. Teleria Karaok Caste Gates on the mainland - Day 

As the three princesses venture into the mainland Shaman stops still. A shamanic fortune takes over her mind: 

Narration (V.O.) 

Beyond the Karaok Castle gates deep into the mainlands two factions fight to the death. The Banner Lords charge forward against the Sacred Order. Siroth has over-shadowed Castle Karaok and clans from the Banner Lord faction swore allegiance to the Dark Lord.  The Sacred Order are a faction of loyal fighters for the Freedom of Teleria. They have taken a sacred oath to protect the land and are under the protection of the High Elves. Juliana is destined for greatness and her path will cross with the Sacred Order and the High Elves. 


Juliana, I have foreseen your destiny. We must venture deep into the mainland to fight beside the Sacred Order. 



The Sacred Order? We really must venture through the mainland to reach the catacombs. 


Your Arbiter demanded you find me. I am Shaman, an all-seeing Orc Princess. If you want me on your team you must listen to me when I speak of your destiny or our quest shall fail! [She GROWLS] 


Hey, Shaman calm down! That temper of yours will be the death of you! [She raises her SWORD] 


Alright, sister Liliana, lay down your sword. Yes, Shaman I apologise. You are right. But tell me first, who are the Sacred Order and why are we fighting with them? 


The Sacred Order are a faction of fighters unlike the others. They are not born into their faction, but are sworn into it by sacred oath. You can only become part of the faction if you are loyal to the Freedom of Teleria and prove that you are a powerful fighter for the cause. 

The Sacred Order are under the protection of the High Elves. The Elven races hold superior Beyond-this-world powers, however, to help defend the land of Teleria, the ‘High Circle’ came together and decided they would create a ‘sacred order’ to help with the war against Siroth. Hence they are the creators and protectors of the Sacred Order Faction. They need the best warriors in the land to swear an oath to their allegiance and fight beside them.  


Alright, so maybe the fortune requires that we fight with them so they can help us in our quest? After all, we are all fighting for Teleria! Great idea, let’s go! 


Hold on, there is more. The Sacred Order must defeat clans of the Banner Lords.  


The Banner Lords? But we killed Baron, the Banner Lord Boss at the gate of Karaok Castle, surely by overthrowing him we can regain power over the faction members?  


I am sorry Juliana, it doesn’t work that way. Yes, you defeated the Boss who was overcome by Siroth. But… [she SIGHS] 

Several clans from the faction have fallen under the shadow of Lord Siroth and have been overcome by evil. We must assist the Sacred Order to defeat these Banner Lord clans.  


I see. Do we know which clans? The Banner Lords as you know are made of different clans. I am from the West Clan under Queen Raglin, whereas Baron controlled the Central Clan in the mainlands. Surely, his clan are the enemy, right?  




Juliana, I’m afraid I cannot predict that. Several clan members were affected by Siroth’s evil powers, to the point that civil war enthralled the mainlands. We cannot know for sure who is with or against us from the Banner Lord faction. But, as a precaution you must destroy your purple cloak depicting the colours of your clan. You cannot allow yourself to be associated to the Banner Lords at this moment, if we are to win the trust of the Sacred Order.  


I was afraid you would say that. We do what we must for the cause.  

Now, I am the fallen princess of the Banner Lords… [She gestures as her CLOAK falls to the ground] 


Damn it sister, don’t be so over-dramatic!  


Come. We must make haste! 

Shaman takes Juliana’s cloak and releases a BLAZING FIRE to destroy it.  

EXT. Teleria Warlands - day 

The team of three reach the vast Warlands where the Sacred Order have taken strategic position to fight the clans from the Banner Lords. 

Narrator (V.O.) 


Members of the Sacred Order have been posted at the Warlands under direct orders to protect the mainlands from further enemy infiltration. The dark shadow cast by the evil Siroth is spreading over the land fast. Clans from the Banner Lords, once Juliana’s faction and home to her beloved comrades are now under the rule of Siroth. Members of her faction must be destroyed and she must help the cause in the name of Teleria. However, the powers of the Sacred Order are far outweighed by their enemies. Unable to spare comrades to fight in the Warlands, their army is weak and sparse. The Sacred Order are legendary for their superior war-tactics. They have taken strategic position in the left and right flanks to close in on the enemy lines. But, they need more than just strategic war-tactics to win against the hoard of enemy lines approaching! The Sacred Order could do with all the help they can get. And luckily, Juliana and her companions are here to help.  

Upon approaching the ranks to the Sacred order two MYSTERY SHARDS reveal two new characters. The RESURRECTION of Sister Militant and Crusader. 

Sister Militant 

Our prayers have been answered! Welcome companions! I have been expecting you. God came to me in my dreams and informed me of your arrival. A powerful trio of princesses I believe? 


Well, I.. 

Shaman interjects Juliana before she accidentally discloses her connection to the Banner Lords. And Shaman can’t deal with Juliana’s ‘woeful story of the fallen princess’ right now! 


Yes that is correct! 


And from what factions may I ask are you the… princesses of? 


I am Shaman, the Orc princess of the Shamanic Clan.  

And this… 


We are sisters! Liliana and Juliana, Barbarian Princesses of the Desert Lands clan. 


Strange. You don’t … dress like barbarians. 


We are barbarians. We pillage and salvage. It’s what we do! I salvaged my armour from a fallen warrior in battle. 

And anyway, can’t you tell me are sisters? We look alike! 


Yes, you do. In fact you bear a striking resemblance to… 

Sister Militant 

Oh, Crusader! Hush now! Our Princesses have travelled a long way to help our cause.  

My dears, we need all the help we can get. Our most Epic and Legendary fighters have been called to war in other parts of the Telerian lands and we have been left with little ranks here at the Warlands.  


Yes, I can see that. As an Orc warrior I know of the legends beyond our lands about the best strategic war-tactics used to dominate in war. The Sacred Order are legendary in the field.  

I can see you placed your warriors on the left and right flanks to enclose the enemy ranks? 


Yes, strategically this is the best solution since our ranks are weak and sparse. But, we will not win without power in the central rans. We are doomed to failure! 


Leave it to us! We shall take the central ranks.  

Sister Militant 

Yes, that’s right! You shall join myself and Crusader!  


What? No, we have the most powerful… Barbarian swords in the lands. And a Shaman by our side to resurrect us. We don’t… 

Sister Militant 

Listen to me! God has said you are here to help US. This is OUR fight! And when I mean ‘us’ I mean Crusader and I. We have been ordered to take central ranks… on our own! For sure we would be killed. My prayers were answered last night when I asked for help from God. You are here to stand by OUR side! 

[She opens a scroll with WAR-TACTICS] 

I am able to SLASH all enemies with one swift move. But, my strength is weak. Juliana and Liliana – your powerful blows will assist me! 


And I am able call to charge a powerful member of our ranks simultaneously as I go in for a kill. 

This means with every SLASH I make, one of you will join me. With your power behind me we are sure to win! 

[A horn blows in the distance] 

Sister Militant 

It is time. May God be with us all! 

Juliana and her sister Woad-Painted (Liliana)take center positions with their ATTACK and HP skills. Shaman stands by Juliana as SUPPORT. Sister Militant and Crusader stand by the sides of the three princesses, armed to ATTACK. 

Banner Lord Clan Members 

In the name of Lord Siroth! CHARGE! 

Sister Militant SLASHES all enemies with one swift move. Juliana deals a powerful BLOW dealing huge DAMAGE to the enemy ranks. Beside her Woad-Painted deals a powerful BLOW dealing huge DAMAGE to the enemy ranks. As she takes blows from the enemy she fully HEALS with HP enabling her to deal more DAMAGE to the enemy. Crusader calls to charge Shaman. He deals a tactical BLOW to the enemy, and Shaman finishes them off with a powerful BLOW. Crusader is too weak and dies, but Shaman RESURRECTS him. The battle continues until they WIN. 



As the bodies of the defeated Banner Lord members wither to dust an EPIC shard reveals a new CHARACTER. The RESURRECTION reveals Vergis from the High Elf Faction. 


My Queen, The Arbiter, has been watching you from up high. Juliana, you are a powerful warrior. Your destiny is to fight for Teleria. You and your companions have been very brave. I have been sent by the High Circle, the protectors of the Sacred Order. The Arbiter sits on the High Circle and has informed us of your destiny. You will need the support of many more companions to join your ranks. I have been tasked to be your loyal defender. With every move you make I shall protect you. 


Juliana, remember what I told you about the Sacred Order and the High Elves? 


Yes! Shaman has been my right-hard from the beginning of my journey. It is The Arbiter who told me to find her. I trust her with my life! Shaman, has told me all about the Sacred Order and how you, the High Elves created the faction and protect it. I am honoured indeed to have you in our team! 


The honour is mine. If you are to achieve your destiny I am told that we all have to work together to assist you. Only that way will we defeat the Lord Siroth and save Teleria. It has been foretold. 


Sister, it is time we move onto the Catacombs before dark. [She grabs a handful of sand and lets it fall through her fingers] 

We don’t have much time before sundown! 


Juliana, before we move on. I have also been tasked to swear you in as a new member to the Sacred Order. You have shown great bravery and power. Your destiny is tied to the Freedom of Teleria, and there is no greater cause. Do you accept? 


See Juliana? You found your new home! You don’t need the Banner Lords now. I am a Barbarian and you are a Sacred Order member! 


Well, since being a fallen Princess from the West Clan of the Banner Lords I have no choice but to accept… 


What?! You are from the Banner Lord clan under Queen Raglin? I knew there was something shifty about you! I knew it! Vergis, how can we accept this Banner Lord member into our ranks?! [He groans] 


Crusader! There is much about Juliana you don’t know. There is much about her destiny none of us know! Will you go against the will of the High Elves? The will of your creators, the High Circle? Or the will of our queen The Arbiter – YOUR protector? 

Sister Militant 

It is God’s will, Crusador. [She hold his hands]. 


As a shaman, I agree with the Sister there. The fortunes agree that Juliana has a destiny to fulfill. And part of that destiny is the Sacred Order. It has been foretold. 


I trust you my Shaman. And Vergis, yes, I accept.  


Kneel powerful warrior and swear your allegiance to the Freedom of Teleria! 


I swear my allegiance! 


[Speaks in ELVEN language and new ARMOUR is revealed] 

Approach me Juliana. You have been chosen to join the ranks of Queen Martyr, you shall wear the black and white cross. 


I shall wear it with honour!  

Juliana, Woad-Painted, Shaman and Vergis venture on towards the Catacombs.  

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Written by Maria Nicolette

Hi! I’m Maria Nicolette, a writer and contributor to The Everyday Magazine. 

I’m an ambitious disabled woman. I write about my passions in an authentic voice and absolutely abhor toxic positivity. So, don’t ask me to sugar-coat the truth!

My topics of interest are: 

  • Diversity: disability and female empowerment, 

  • Wellbeing: mental health, gardening, hobbies

  • Art and culture: street art, contemporary art 

  • Luxury lifestyle: fashion, travel, beauty

  • Entertainment: movies, music, gaming.

I love writing in all it’s forms. I am an author under the pen name Elaunda Rox, dedicating all my time to my writing. 

I have written short stories inspired by my studies at Wellesley University on Creative Writing, I have taken part in NaNoWriMo and NYCmidnight. I also love poetry and young adult fantasy fiction; You can see my work on

I love MMO and RPG gaming, watching Netflix series – currently love His Dark Materials by fantasy fiction author Philip Pullman – I adore fantasy art my favourite being Anne Stokes whom I met personally. I am besotted by anything dark and gothic; vampyres, goth music, and dragons! My favourite comics are Lady Mechanika and Monstress.

My dreams: to write a graphic novel, to be in a fantasy anthology with other fantasy fiction artists, to be in a female lead goth band, to be an actress in my own fiction novel turned TV series, and to meet Keanu Reeves!