How to Cope With an Eating Disorder During Quarantine 

I guess I’ll start off by stating the obvious: this is a crazy situation that we have found ourselves in. To think that we are living through a global pandemic, which undoubtedly will be studied in History lessons in years to come, is almost difficult to comprehend.

Covid-19 has ultimately created the most potent sense of anxiety, uncertainty and fear and has taken away our simple pleasures; the things we most often take for granted. Spending time with friends, going out whenever we want and to wherever we want. Flying across the world for a two-week holiday, being crammed on the tube with fellow commuters on the Northern line to get to work in the city, and the presence of loo roll on the supermarkets’ shelves.

Consequently mental health charities across the country have seen substantial increases in the use of their services. People are struggling to adapt as their freedom has been robbed from them and, as a result, are concerned for their own wellbeing. Routine, going to school or university, getting outside, socialising and going to work, are all part of the complex mechanisms and catalysts which improve and benefit our mental health. Now these have been taken away from us – how do we cope?

During this time I have been questioning – have I really recovered from my eating disorder? Particularly in the last few days, my mind has been subject to ever-pervading thoughts of food, bad body image and anxiety surrounding food, something I have managed successfully now for the last five years or so. I have been trying to act as my own therapist and ask myself what I would expect a psychological professional to ask me – is it the change of routine? Is it the uncertainty? Is it the unknown?

For those who suffer with eating disorders, being in quarantine or lockdown, can be an overwhelming and distressing. For example, the prospect of hoarding food can be exceptionally triggering for those who binge, and sheer boredom can provoke or amplify constant thoughts about eating, which could lead to a relapse. And it’s almost inescapable - social media has been flooded with fitness influencers doing home-workouts, which may create expectations of how they should be living during this time. For anyone struggling who reading this piece – you are not alone. You can get through this. You WILL get through this. For anyone who is trying to support someone with an eating disorder during this time – thank you. Be sensitive, be compassionate and take care of yourself too.

Here are my tips on how to cope with an eating disorder during quarantine: 

1)   Remove all feelings of guilt. From everything. Just because you might not be able to move around as much or be on your feet all day, you need to eat. You deserve to eat because you deserve to live. You do not need to make up for the snacks or meals you eat with compulsive exercise.

2)   Do not compare yourself to others. This should just be a general mantra that applies to you throughout life – take care of yourself and put yourself first. Social media is not real life and does not provide a true insight to how people are really coping during this time. 

3)   Acceptance. Your body might change during this period and that is okay – you are beautiful in whatever shape or form. This is a time especially for gratitude – if you and your family are safe and well and healthy in this time where so many people are risking their lives – we have to be thankful for our precious bodies. 

4)   Routine. Most of us who are susceptible to eating disorders rely on routines to keep us stable. If it puts you at ease – plan out your days and meals if you wish. Establish your safe foods and ensure that they are included in your meal plan. This is important to ensure that you don’t put any more pressure on yourself during this stressful period. Make sure you include relaxation time in your day plans too – self-care is vital.

5)   FRESH AIR. FRESH AIR. FRESH AIR. You can still go outside! Make the most of that one chance per day to get out of the house, whether it be a walk, a jog or just sitting on a park bench for a few moments – being active is incredibly beneficial to our mental health.

6)   Don’t feel like you always have to be productive. You don’t have to do a home work-out, you don’t have to learn a new skill, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You have to do what makes you feel good. 

7)   Put your phone away. I really enjoy switching my phone off at night (or airplane mode if I want to listen to music) and instead I read fiction and get lost in whatever world that author has created for me. Coronavirus has utterly permeated every news story, every social channel and as helpful it is to be aware of recent updates, limit your time reading the news so you don’t get too overwhelmed. 

8)   Yoga. I hate to tap into the whole yoga craze but for myself personally, yoga and meditation really helps me to get to sleep at night, especially in a dark room. It can be a perfect distraction from ED thoughts and allows you to focus on mindfulness and calming yourself down.

9)   Write. Writing your thoughts down on paper can actually help you process them better and allow you to identify your feelings, emotions and the best distractions for you.

And lastly, please feel however you want to feel during this time. There is no right or wrong way to handle these circumstances. Take it all day by day. And yeah, it might be tumultuous, and one day you might feel amazing and the next you might feel fed up and exacerbated. Be patient with yourself and most importantly: be OPEN. Talk. Communicate. Don’t suffer in silence. There are so many people out there to support you, including so many wonderful charities who have published advice online, and operate digital services with online webchats and helplines. 

There are also certain accounts on social media that are shedding light and positivity on this difficult period. A few of the Instagram I follow which make me feel good or reassured include: 









 You are strong enough to get through this.

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Written by Molly Gorman

Hey! I'm Molly, a 22-year old History grad living in London. I work for The Mix, a charity which provides essential support to people under 25. I'm passionate about mental health, travelling, being outside and making people feel good.