Talking To: KALA CHNG

Described as ‘Kate Bush meets a Chinese Lady Gaga’ by the Guardian, KALA CHNG is a Bristol based pop artist who is set for a big 2020. Already the year is off to a flying start. Having just released lead single ‘Voices’ from her forthcoming LP ‘NINE DRAGONS’ and played at Trafalgar Square for Chinese New Year, KALA CHNG is definitely one to watch.

We asked her a few questions to get to know her better.

Your new song ‘Voices’ just dropped. Could you tell us a bit about it?

I wrote this song as I was feeling quite torn about my commitment and energy towards my local community centre and having enough energy left to commit to my music. If I'm honest I was also feeling a little worn out from working on music for so long and wanting to have achieved more already ('stumbling through the darkest night, someone say it's gonna be alright'). 

 It was a very hard year as I did loads at my new role in the community and felt just too tired for many months to do as much as I'd like for my music. I was also feeling stuck about my music and what to do next, and my creative energy was used up a lot in the day job ('bridging two worlds, heart split in two'). 

But in the end I found the right balance as both are so important to me, and I think it was just that first year that took a lot more of my energy than I had expected. That being said, in terms of what it did for community work it was worth it and I don't regret anything! I'm currently in the community centre two days a week while growing a team of new local talent. I then have the other 5 days to do music - or 4 days and some nights to have a day for rest and do things with the people I care about. I think I didn't know what I was meant to do, and lots of people said I had to decide ('do I believe the things they say or will i do this anyway'). In the end I think I know my art comes first and it's who I am, but I will never stop caring about and working in some way in the community and with the great team of local, passionate and caring people there ('time to stand and show the world, not scared of what the future holds').

The video for ‘Voices’ has some awesome visuals. How did the idea for it come about and what was filming it like? 

I played the song to my video director and friend Marcus Way. He had just been to Vietnam and we were catching up on his trip and brain storming ideas. I wanted something simple that could be a one shot and be the cover art too, then I saw the hat he brought back on a shelf and the idea was born! 

I think (as well as his talent) it's why I love working with him as he also has a huge interest in East Asian Culture and I want all my visuals to have a Chinese or East Asian theme or twist to them. The side and front shots represented the different voices when I sing, the other people around me and the thoughts and doubts I have inside.

You’ve performed at a lot of festivals including some headline slots. What’s been your favourite gig you’ve played?

I just did it! It’s gotta be Trafalgar Square in central London for Chinese New Year! 

I was nervous all day (usually these days I only get nervous like 10 mins before) but then my sister said imagine the day went so great you've just come back in time to relive and enjoy it, that really helped when I did the first show in Shaftesbury Avenue earlier in the day. So I was all fine again and confident after that show until we got to the evening stage at Trafalgar Square. It was so huge and there were two large screens and I think I may have sworn like ‘oh no what have I got myself into?’

 But the backstage crew  were so friendly I was instantly at ease and the sound, lights and visual team were amazing. The crowd were so supportive and they joined in so it just felt so right and so joyful and not scary at all. 

 Also it was a showcase for the development funded programme I'm doing funded by Arts Council England. I've been getting proper singing and dance lessons. I also got to buy lots of costumes and go see shows for inspiration where I got the idea to change outfits during the show when I (accidentally) saw a burlesque show at Circomedia (I thought it was a circus/dance/music show!). Everyone who's seen me perform before said you could definitely see a huge difference in my stage presence, so it is working! I finally managed to put on a SHOW (not just singing into a mic with backing tracks) all on my own. Before I always added a session band and other dancers to add interest and, if I'm honest, distract from me! But that is so difficult to organise and costly. 

 I think I've finally got to how I want my performances to be, though I'm sure it will improve even more as I'm only half way through the development programme. I'm also currently working with some friends on a sort of string quartet thing for stripped backed sets which includes a Chinese Erhu!

What can we expect from you in 2020? Any more songs? Any live performances?

I’m going to Southampton soon for a show, plus I've just agreed to headline a new festival in Clevedon in the summer. For proper and up to date info I list my gigs on my site. I've applied to loads of festivals, and I'm really excited to see what comes back for me - watch this space!

 I'd like to find a cool intimate thing, or or live lounge radio scenario, to showcase the strings set up once it's ready. We’re looking at getting some real strings on future recordings.

 I've also finished recording my next album, and Voices is the lead track for that. The album is going to be called NINE DRAGONS, the direct translation of and named after Kowloon, where my dad is from (the mainland bit of Hong Kong, not the Island, which has a wall of nine dragons). Each song will be a Dragon. In eastern culture (unlike western) the dragon is a saviour (and not a monster to defeat) and so my dragons (songs) each bring with them different qualities. As you experience the songs, with accompanying videos, lyric quote memes, posters and blogs you will journey through with me to gain these qualities. This will allow you to take on the world and become the most awesome you and live a life of joy and purpose. Voices is the beginning of that journey.  

 I believe everyone was put on this earth for a reason and we all have something to give to the world, no matter how humble or outrageous, to make it a better place. However, to do this you often need things like faith, courage, strength and self-belief. So that's what I hope to give to the world! 

Finally, what’s your favourite song at the moment? 

For a while now it's been Power by Little Mix as it's like my new life theme song. Whenever I have to do something scary or hard I just stomp around singing along to that until 'I got the power!'

Find KALA CHNG on Facebook and her website.
