Asking, Talking, Listening?
Asking. Talking. Listening?
‘I asked about her work, her band, her boyfriend and that dodgy knee she talked about the last time we met.’
‘I told her about work, the band, you and she remembered about my dodgy knee. We had a good chat.’
‘And what’s she been doing?’
‘Oh! She didn’t say.’

Written by Sean Hodgson
Sean Hodgson lives in Oxfordshire, with a garden that has three plastic pink pigeons because this is Faringdon, Oxfordshire. He used to be a police officer but since getting better he generally keeps quiet about that.
The premise of this play is simple. It starts with an eight-year-old Patrick meeting his estranged and unfeeling Father in a pub, being taught a bar game. From this point onwards, Patrick navigates various moments with his Father from their strained relationship, meandering from optimistic if anxious beginnings, to resentful endings where love is given reluctantly, if not still deeply.
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