Vonalina Cake - 18th June 2021

I move through my life clumsily, awkward with shape and deed

I stumble from person to person, doubting myself

I find what works, but it doesn’t work for ever

I ache with self loathing and yet…

At the very core of all this I find certainties that stick

Friends that stay

Love that endures

And with all this I build a person inside of me who can withstand all the doubts

Some days she is small and in danger of being overshadowed

But others she is loud and brash and present in every moment 

At times I find it hard to temper her

But she is me, and I am her, so we blend like ink in water until we are one colour

Written by Vonalina Cake

My name is Von, I’ve lived in Bristol since 1992 and I’ve lived a lot of lives since then.