My Happiest Moment: Finding Out My Sister Was Pregnant
I think it’s probably a lucky few that have had a completely easy-breezy life, right? Like many of us, I’ve had some adversity and challenges that I’ve overcome. I’ve climbed the Everest of mental health to reach a point where I feel like my peace and wellbeing is my ultimate prize to be cherished.
I’ve had amazing moments where I’ve reached places where I never thought I would, doing a master’s degree whilst working full time for instance. The pride as I walked across that stage, incredible. Similarly, I’ve written for The Everyday recently about getting the all-clear for Cervical Cancer last July. But was it happiness, or relief? Probably relief. Immense relief.
But happiness, like, that shining soul joy, like your heart is going to burst out of your chest like sunbeams. That warm feeling you get all over your body when you’re hiding from someone and about to jump out and say boo or you’re watching a loved one opening a present that you’ve carefully picked out, that level of shiny, sparkly happiness that comes, moments like that rain over you. These moments of pride and relief pale in comparison compared to my happiest moment.
14 September 2020, I found out my sister, Katie is pregnant.
Katie and I are close, obviously, we’ve gone through our ‘journey’ - you know, clothes stealing, ‘accidental’ Gameboy breakages, casually aeroplane-ing each other off the top bunk… it’s a process to truly cherishing your siblings.
There was no movie or Hollywood announcement, it wasn’t over the safety net of three months. It was a Whatsapp message saying ‘quick question’ before a photo of a pregnancy test sent. ‘Do you think this is one line or two?’
It was faint, but it was there. This bit of plastic has just changed our lives. Katie was immediately ecstatic, I was cautious, this is all she’s wanted for ages and I was so scared of her hopes being crushed.
I knew before anyone (although only an hour before her husband), I’m on FaceTime to her as she’s peeing on stick after stick over the days to come. Positive, positive, positive. My sister is having a baby and I’m about to become an aunt. Auntie Loni. The joy started small, flickering, and cautious, growing with every week towards meeting Nora. She has already found a giant place in my heart. This tiny human is so, so loved and she’s not even here yet.
For all of the Covid-19 related restrictions, not being able to see my sister grow and grow has been a major disappointment. In three weeks’ time, she’s due to give birth and I’ve only gotten to rub her belly and whisper love into Nora’s unborn ears once.
So, maybe I’ve cheated here because my happiest moment isn’t one single point in time, but a flicker that has become a flame, setting my soul joy ablaze and leaving me with the tingly, excited feelings usually reserved for 6-year-olds on Christmas Eve. I am so excited to meet Nora and I am so excited to see my sister wander through this new phase in her life. And so far in my thirty years, no other moment of happiness or joy is yet to come close.
Written by Saloni Chamberlain
Hi, I'm Saloni, Loni to most! A native Londoner, I've recently relocated with my partner and our two cats to sunny Weston-super-Mare, where we run an award-winning, planet-happy card & gift small business. Alongside this, I work as a freelance writer (everything from journalism to copywriting) and I think I'm generally quite funny!