Research by Pregnant Then Screwed found that over half of all mothers - 52% - have faced some form of discrimination when pregnant, on maternity leave or when they returned. 1 in 5 mothers have left their job following a negative or discriminatory experience. And, disgustingly, 1 in every 61 pregnant women say their boss suggested they terminate their pregnancy.
Read MoreCulture has long been considered a vital part of society; a shared experience that brings people together through music, film, theatre, creative endeavours and art. However, as ticket prices soar and the cost-of-living crisis tightens its grip, a question arises: is culture becoming a luxury that only the privileged can afford?
Read MoreSilence is unsettling.
It’s why we fill every pause in a conversation with half-thought-out words. Why we scroll mindlessly while watching TV. Why we blast music, stick on a four hour podcast, or declare we “need background noise” as we get on with our day.
We talk about slowing down, mindfulness and presence, but we’re constantly going, go, go - mentally, digitally, audibly.
Read MoreWe've been together for five years. We have a baby…so why does the world make me feel silly for wanting a Valentine’s Day gift?
Read MoreAn exploration into how viral clips of a Ukrainian rendition of the musical Cabaret led to blissful ignorance amongst TikTok fans.
Read MoreDo we destroy the places we love by sharing them on social media? Are we inadvertently contributing to the demise and over-development of destinations? Simply put, are we loving places to death?
Read MoreFebruary, though the shortest month, somehow feels double. This is the month people start waking up from the winter daze and making plans for brighter days. The spring and summer calendars have started filling up. And what’s happening here? We’re grasping at the promise of better days ahead, stuck in a seasonal limbo that asks more of us than we have the energy to give.
Read MoreMoney. We love it, we hate it and we’re not so hot at talking about it. In this day and age, should discussing money still be something draped in red tape? I think not! I went on a mission to talk to my social circles about the topic of money; the main question to them being, ‘How do you split your finances with your partner?’ The responses garnered opened up discussion points around gender roles, girlboss feminism, and toxic masculinity.
Read MoreWe all know how this goes: you sit down in December to reflect on the past year, maybe you revisit resolutions that you’ve already forgotten; and suddenly, you feel the urge to create a new self. A version of you that is much better than your present self, more disciplined or polished, capable: someone who checks all of the boxes from the long list of ideas about this better version of you.
Read MoreA slightly more macabre wassailing tradition takes place in Wales, the Mari Lwyd. Mari, who’s head is made from the skull of a horse, with baubles for eyes and flowing ribbons for mane, is operated by a long pole hidden under the white sheet that acts as her body. Snapping her jaw at passers-by, she leads a procession around the town going from house to house. The terrifying nature of the Mari Lwyd is only exaggerated by the fact that she is sometimes so tall that she can knock upon the second-floor windows (Firestone, 1978).
Read More51% of industry workers are burnt out from the holidays, so is it a holly-jolly Christmas after all? Overworked, understaffed, and high expectations. What’s going to give?
Read MoreWhen I became disabled, one of the things that I struggled the most with was just how much my life changed, practically overnight.
It wasn't just that I was adapting to no longer being a healthy, able-bodied person, but I was also suddenly transitioning from being able to do so much, so easily, to having a mountain of access needs that had to be fulfilled in order for me to do anything.
Read MoreYou’ve been with your partner for a long time, but your sex life has been dwindling. Weeks turn into months of no sex and you’re starting to wonder what you’ve done wrong. I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone.
Read MoreCountry is back in. From fashion trends (flannel, denim, cowboy boots, fringes, and leather) to music and art, country is truly having a revival. But what some people may not know is the history of cowboys and that Queer Western is also enjoying the limelight.
Read MoreWhen you don’t have children of your own, the entire premise of this article being written by someone who knows nothing of the experiences being written about could potentially be a touch scathing, maybe even absurd. Of course they are! I write this to the little girl inside of me, who had so many questions for her mother growing up.
Read MoreAs a nervous and superstitious child, I was convinced that the English countryside was stalked by escaped wild cats and phantasmic black dogs. Whether this notion could be tied to some deep-rooted connection with my ancestors that channelled my psychic awareness or the fact that I was exposed to the 2002 film ‘Dog Soldiers’ too early as a child one Christmas Eve, I couldn’t tell you.
Read MoreThe fan in a woman’s body has been seen as “crazy” ever since the times of Elvis Presley or The Beatles – and yet we still forget that exactly these people are one hell of a force.
Read MoreBut from colonial influence and globalisation, Type 2 Diabetes is now a huge issue and is the overall biggest killer of Mexicans. You are more likely to be killed by diabetes in Mexico than Narcos. People in Chiapas alone, drink an average of 2.5 litres of coca cola in a day.”
Read MoreAccording to this article from the BBC , “Data from Statista shows that the baby and child skincare market is expected to experience an annual growth rate of about 7.71% until in 2028, it reaches $380m (£299m) in market volume worldwide…This isn’t just about young kids trying their mums’ creams, but an industry expanding to reach a broader age spread of consumers.”
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