The Prince Philip Conspiracy

Put back in the freezer, switched off - or simply passed away?

We have been waiting for many years, watching closely and wondering when it will be. The global society, and especially British society, has been preparing for the death of Prince Philip for years. Constant rumours and chatter has left the world rolling their eyes any time a new story of Prince Philip dying comes out. The team behind the royal family have indeed been preparing for the aftermath for years. 

Over the past couple of years we have held our breath as the media have continuously reported that Prince Philip was in ill health, in accidents, had frequent hospital stays and had even passed away many times. Inevitably, this type of reporting has led to whispers and, ultimately, a few conspiracy theories here and there. Whilst no aliens are involved, the below events which have helped add fuel to the fire do make for an interesting read.

Possible death dates - as reported in the media: 

4th May 2017 – The Queen called an emergency meeting at Buckingham Palace with all members of staff. This led to the media making abrupt claims that Prince Philip had passed away and that the Palace was enacting protocols. It was later confirmed that the Prince was well. And was later announced during the same day that the Prince was retiring from public duties. 

21st June 2017 - The prince was admitted to King Edward VII hospital for an infection. Death rumours were sparked again, the Prince missed the Royal Ascot and the Queen’s speech in parliament. Could it possibly be because these events require a physical person rather than using Artificial Intelligence, due to him passing away in May? 

4th April 2018 - A scheduled hip replacement in the King Edward V11 hospital brought the Prince back into hospital. I am once again amazed at how a man of his age can continue to undergo difficult operations. Suspicions rose within the media and we braced ourselves for his death announcement.

19th May 2018 - Although I don’t like to comment on people’s appearances, at Meghan and Harry’s wedding the ‘Prince’ did not look well. Here we see a new conspiracy that the Prince is kept in a cryonics tank (a method of preserving the human body at incredibly low temperatures) and removed for occasions such as this. Similarly it sparked debates as to whether the ‘Prince’ was a form of artificial intelligence, turned on when the Prince’s presence is required. This stems from the belief that the Prince died many years ago, but the Royal family wanted to utilize his presence to uphold patriarchal structures. 

21st July 2018 - Reports that the Prince had died took over the media and especially Twitter. The Queen reportedly had to call the Prince to ensure he was still alive. Try to digest that without laughing. 

17th January 2019 – The Prince was in a car collision. In which the car he was driving ended up on its side, yet Philip was very remarkably unharmed. This sparked many debates at how it was possible that he escaped without any injuries, especially with his previous health issues. There have been many claims that the Prince had passed away during the car collision and it was kept quiet to preserve the image of the Queen and the Royal family. Possibly due to their unfortunate history of car accidents. It could also be because they were having issues with Meghan and Harry. At the time there were many rumours about the couple splitting their time between royal duties and life outside of this. If the Prince did die during this collision, as previously discussed the Royal family may have used artificial intelligence - such as deep fakes and CGI to make it appear as though the Prince was healthy and doing well, when in fact he was dead. 

20th December 2019 - The Prince was admitted to hospital for flu-like symptoms at King Edward VII hospital on Friday 20th. He left the hospital on Tuesday the 24th after spending four nights in the hospital. This is where the infamous photograph of the Prince was taken. It caused a lot of doubt as to whether the Prince was alive and well. Stirring up the conspiracy that the Prince is kept in a Cryonics tank, brought out and defrosted to keep up public image. Interestingly, this is the same time that the Covid-19 Virus started to take hold of people and the world. Especially since the Prince had “flu like symptoms” and had to have a hospital admission.

February-March 2021 - The Prince spent 28 days in hospital, first for an infection and later for a heart operation (coronary stern). He left the hospital on 16th March and looked incredibly poorly. Once again sparking debates regarding whether it was his body double, or he had been brought out or the cryonics or switched on. I was once again astonished at his determination to hold on. This was during the same period of time that Meghan and Harry’s infamous Oprah interview came out. A distraction? Similar to that famous idea used mainly by politicians, “Wave over here (the distraction), while the hit is coming from another direction”. 

So when did the Prince die? Did he die? Is he switched off in his room at the Sandringham estate? Or is he simply in his cryonics tank awaiting his next defrosting? I assume our current generation will never have concrete evidence to disprove or confirm these theories, aside from trusting that the Prince passed away April 9th 2021 and has been laid to rest at the Royal Vault in St George’s Chapel. However silly these conspiracy theories may seem, a man did pass away (or so we are told) and that in itself is sad. However, he was a Nazi and a racist so its fairly easy to move on. And he definitely should have had a loyalty card and bed with his name on at the King Edward VII hospital. But in all seriousness, there is something about the way he seemed to have more lives than a cat...

Written by Carys Hopkins
Carys, twenty two, Welsh (Newport S.Wales), she/her, I work as a pharmacy assistant and am currently interested in but not limited to - environmentalism, climate justice and anti-racism/anti-colonialism. 
