Posts in Opinion
And Now for a Check in at Parliament: Dawn Butler & "Unparliamentary Language"

In short, unparliamentary language is useful for allowing debates to simply not descend into a shit hurling contest, but since the age of spin and the rise of ‘alternative news’ Johnson and his unscrupulous colleagues have been able to lie and cheat with impunity. Butler’s actions do not threaten the nature of parliament, however they do set a worrying precedent. If those in opposition are increasingly unable to correctly hold the government to account, then what good is a chamber of debate.

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Opinion, PoliticsGuest User
I Was Ghosted By My Therapist

Let’s head back to a week prior. It’s Wednesday, 9 am, and as per usual I’m sat cross-legged in my bed in the virtual waiting room, waiting for my therapist to turn up. 5 minutes pass: hmm, she must be running late. 15 minutes: this is strange. 30 minutes: oh god, what if she’s dead? Do I call the police?

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Bipolar Sucks, But Does My Parenting Also Have To?

I've got bipolar, type 2 to be specific. I don't add that last part to diminish my experience, by the way. Honesty and clarity drove me to do it because I'd hate to seemingly make myself into a spokesman for bipolar when only truly knowing a part of it. So I come out as Type 2 BiPo from the off so that we all know that I'm just a dude talking about one dude's experience.

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Technology - When Do We Stop?

The popular Netflix film “The Social Dilemma” premiered in 2020 and riddled all of its 38 million viewers with crippling anxiety about the speed at which technology is advancing. You could hear Instagram accounts being deleted across the globe… and then quickly re-downloaded a week later.

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OpinionGuest User
July 19th - Easing Restrictions Anxiety

Go at your own pace. There's no rush. Just because you can go out doesn't mean you have to. Even if all of your friends are out every night of the week, you don't have to go if you're more comfortable going out once a week. Ease yourself back in to socialisation and outings. Don't pressure yourself to be doing everything instantly (unless you want to, of course!).

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OpinionGuest User
Ready Player Who?

By way of revenue, the gaming industry has been eclipsing the film and music industries for some time now. So… Why is it that when the games medium tries its hand at a game-to-film, cross-medium approach, it so often ends in mediocrity?

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OpinionGuest User