Posts in Wellbeing
What is Adenomyosis?

‘I’m sorry you have what?’, ‘Um, how do you spell that?’, ‘I haven’t heard of that before, what is it?’ These are a few of the common phrases I often hear when I mention I have Adenomyosis. April is Adenomyosis (add-en-o-my-OH-sis) awareness month and boy is this awareness needed.

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WellbeingGuest User
The Rise Of The Thinfluencer: The Osmosis Of White Thinness On Instagram

Influencers have existed for years, so this is nothing new, right? Wrong. Influencers have always perpetuated a hyper-wealthy, vapid, robotic image of life, love, bodies, and regimes - but now they’re actually showing us their regimes. Before, the pictures were easier to ignore because we understood that they were almost all fake. Now they’re saying, ‘Look, you can be me, too. Just eat this. Eat this, and eat it every day of your life.’ This is sinister, and it is not to be underestimated.

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Opinion, WellbeingGuest User
My Happiest Family Holiday Memory

“Is it dangerous to admit that I’m feeling relaxed?” he asked. “This feels too good to be true”.

The happiest memory with my family? Perhaps it should be something sensational, the kind of memory that comes with a fanfare of trumpets, bursts of fireworks and a collage of photogenic smiles to line the kitchen wall.

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The At-Home HPV Testing Trial: Why I’m Here For It

HPV or Human Papillomavirus is a virus, there are more than 100 different types of HPV, and some can cause cancer. Most of us will have HPV at some point or another, but the great news is that most people will never know, their immune system will fight it off, and within two years, they’ll naturally have cleared it from their system.

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WellbeingGuest User
Periods in South Asian Culture

Periods. Every woman in my contact book – perhaps every single one on the planet – despises them. They’re messy, painful, and agonising – some ordeals come with extra details uncalled for: from migraines to vomiting episodes.

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WellbeingGuest User
Contracting an STI From a Trusted Partner Whilst Being Queer

My heart ached for the girl, more likely girls, who had ostensibly been caught in the same trap as I had. My partner had an innate knack for making me feel like a rare acquisition, but clearly, this was simply one more talent distributed with abandon. I felt angry for them by proxy, too. They would never, in all probability, have knowledge of the betrayal which ensnared them like flies in a spider’s web.

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WellbeingGuest User
Living with Anorexia

Most people have heard of eating disorders but unless you have suffered or have a loved one who has its unlikely you will understand the true damage that they often cause. They are like a tornado spinning uncontrollably through one’s life, destroying everything they touch. There isn’t a single part of my life which hasn’t been impacted by it in some way.

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WellbeingGuest User
Home Is Not a Place...

It’s a feeling. It’s a quote many have heard often, so often in fact that it sounds like a crappy cliche. But it’s a reality many of us face when we move away from home, whether it’s completely abroad or just a few houses down. Living away from family brings many good and bad situations for each person, but it is never a super easy decision of just taking all our stuff and moving away.

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Opinion, WellbeingGuest User
Sexuality Labels - “So, Are You Bi or a Lesbian?”

It’s a question I’ve grown used to hearing since around mid-2020 when after years of identifying as bisexual, I declared to many of my friends something along the lines of: ‘Fuck men. Fuck my multiple heterosexual past relationships (in which I thought I’d met the love of my life in some arguably mediocre men with drug problems). I think I’m probably gay.’

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Opinion, WellbeingGuest User
It's About Abilities Not Disabilities

Disability is something that is still deeply misunderstood and feared. The narratives that surround it are either of victimisation or martyrdom. Disability needs to become normalised. For this to happen disability needs to become an everyday aspect of people’s working lives.

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WellbeingGuest User