‘How do you feel about the pandemic and lockdown?’ Horrendous. Awful. Frustrated. Emotional. Angry. Fed up. Bored. Drained. Upset. Scared. Disappointed. Worried. Lost. Stuck. Sad. Annoyed. Anxious.
Read MoreIt’s only through accepting and engaging with all the outright rage, anger, grief, sadness, disappointments or resentments that surface in our lives that it becomes truly possible to experience the depths of joy too.
Read MoreThe simple fact of the matter is, that there are implicit biases in the medical industry based on race and gender that directly affect the care that patients receive, this is not a statement; it is a fact. This has a devastating impact on patients, their loved ones and their communities.
Read MoreFor me, I have had my own close call. At nineteen, I entered the worst mental health crisis I have ever experienced. I was paranoid, hallucinating and very suicidal. I reached out for help from mental health services only to be told that “we don’t treat people with your diagnosis”, “we treat people with mental illnesses, not personality disorders”.
Read MorePeriods are something unique to those of us who bear uteruses and ovaries, and the (mostly white) men who developed western medicine tried their hardest to brush over the fact that their wives and daughters, and half their patients, bled from the vagina every month or so, and that might be something that should be addressed.
Read MoreI love this saying. Instead of using phrases such as ‘inner demons’, I like to use ‘inner saboteur’ (IS). I first heard this whilst watching RuPaul’s Drag Race, as Ru often uses it to console queens when he spots they’re self-sabotaging and wants them to identify the root cause of why that may be. Our IS can represent lots of things - our doubts, our control, our lack of trust, our inner critique, our expectations, our limiting labels of ourselves and of course, our insecurities.
Read MoreCovid19 has caused disruption for everyone around the world, and has created an incredibly challenging time for humankind as a whole. The deadly virus and its affects have cost us greatly, and caused much chaos. But out of chaos, comes great change.
Read MoreIf we are honest with ourselves, particularly in these uncertain times, we all would say that we want more peace of mind, compassion, calmness, happiness, gratitude, intuition, relaxation, balance, courage, healing energy or to just be present with ourselves... Sounds good doesn’t it? And that’s exactly what meditation can offer.
Read More8 tips on how to stay productive - and keep you feeling fulfilled.
Read MoreI am filled with a longing and hope, that one day, maybe in my lifetime this will be available for me to try at home. That it will be a regulated system, that there will be no fear of criminalisation, of who has made this product, hell, maybe you’ll even be allowed to grow your own! One day, I hope that this will be the case, so I no longer watch the benefits from across the ocean and can openly experience them myself, in a legal, supportive environment.
Read MoreThere are various creative ways of using home space to satisfy an urge to garden, also known to be greatly beneficial to our mental health. Using wall space to grow climbing plants, sewing seeds in trays on a windowsill, growing indoor plants and creating terrariums: mini ecosystems in a fish bowl, are all simple ways to green up an environment and activate our intrinsic instinct to nurture, without any outdoor space.
Read MoreAt the time of writing this, the world is mid-global pandemic. And yet, more than ever before, I am being bombarded with online content promoting weight loss, fitness challenges and body transformations. Without sounding boorish, do we not have slightly more pressing issues to be worrying about amidst this crisis than who can emerge from lockdown with peachier glutes, a smaller waist or a new personal best on their press ups?
Read MoreThis is a strange time where more people than ever are making banana bread and, the big one, getting out in the garden.
Read MoreI remember feeling sick to my stomach, going home straight after the lecture and crawling into bed while I bled through my underwear. It would be another four years before I got my endometriosis diagnosis.
Read MoreI asked a doctor friend for her thoughts. She said that smear tests, and all other tests for that matter, are so much part of their daily routine that they are focussing on the task, not looking at our bits. ‘One fanny is much like another fanny,’ she cheerfully reassured me, ‘we are so busy we don’t even think about it.’
Read MoreIt would simply cease to exist if I hadn’t given up dieting and discovered Intuitive Eating, which is a philosophy that pivots on honouring your hunger and eating what you want to. I used to think my hunger was the enemy: a devious scheming bastard whose calling card was an empty Penguin wrapper and a stomach full of guilt.
Read MoreDuring this time I have been questioning – have I really recovered from my eating disorder? Particularly in the last few days, my mind has been subject to ever-pervading thoughts of food, bad body image and anxiety surrounding food, something I have managed successfully now for the last five years or so.
Read MoreI’d like you, reader, to bare in mind that I am giving my perspective here as a representative of those who have experienced disordered eating - feelings of guilt, shame and of greed all attributed to food, body image; to exercise.
Read MoreA few weeks ago, I turned 23 and was affronted by the mildly alarming thought that it had been exactly five years since my eighteenth birthday. At the age of eighteen, opportunity and possibility seemed limitless. My five-year plan contained as many bullet-points as an entire biography. Buy a house. Write a book. Have children. Get married. Start a business. Go in a hot air balloon. A whole lifetime squeezed into a regimentally scheduled half-decade.
Read MoreOK, so it’s almost here. That time of year when many of us start to look at what we want to change, improve or what we are determined we’re no longer going to put up with or tolerate in our lives. Our New Year’s Resolutions.
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