Posts in Opinion
Woke History: Impartiality IS Political

The problem with trying to pretend that history was neutral, something that happened without deliberate political choices, is that history happened to real people. Africans were enslaved. Jews were murdered on a horrific scale. Women were assaulted and raped. Precious objects were looted and stolen from where they were created and displayed as exotic things thousands of miles away.

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Opinion, PoliticsGuest User
Human Rights Act: How the Government's Plans for Reform Might Affect Us

The Human Rights Act passed in 1998 as an assurance that all people in the UK would be treated with dignity, equality, respect, and fairness under all public authorities. Using this as a frame of reference, the act has been an invaluable source of protection for people in the UK at their most vulnerable, ensuring individual freedoms and their welfare. In the last few months, these rights have come under attack.

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Opinion, PoliticsGuest User
Healthcare is a Feminist Issue

Since the start of the pandemic many people have experienced a worsening of their mental health. Factors such as social isolation, a loss of support and stress at work impacted the young and the elderly alike. During this time healthcare workers experienced a high level of anxiety and stress at work and reported lower levels of wellbeing. According to research published by the University of Sheffield in 2021, distress was especially felt by nurses and female healthcare workers.

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OpinionGuest User
How To Be a Half-Decent Human Without Being Insufferable: A Guide.

Earlier that day, I’d gotten into a bit of a heated debate with a classmate. Looking back, I can’t even remember what on. I’ve always felt an intense need to be a good person and felt equally as intense guilt any time I thought I wasn’t being up to scratch. One of the ways this manifested itself was in me keeping exhaustingly up to date with any matter of social justice.

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Mouthwash, OpinionGuest User
Meme Culture & Mental Health: Does It Help?

Of course it makes sense that the memes we find most hilarious are the ones we find most relatable. There is something strangely comforting about having someone hold a mirror up to your deepest, darkest, mental health struggle and reflect it back to you as a 240-character tongue-in-cheek witticism that’s gone viral.

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Opinion, MouthwashGuest User
The Elections Bill Does Anything But Help Voters Vote

The most notorious policy move in the Bill is voter ID - mandatory photo ID checks for voters at polling stations - if you forget your ID you are denied a vote until your identity is proven, a big step away from the current election system where voters can turn up without their ID or polling card. Though at face value voter ID does not seem like too big a hassle, the reality is that it will further isolate marginalised communities from politics.

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Opinion, PoliticsGuest User
Does Representation Matter?

Representation, equality, inclusion… No matter how you dress it up over the past few years, there has been an uptick in conversations about closing the gap between what we see – via TV, Social Media or otherwise – and the realities of the diverse world we live in.

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Opinion, MouthwashGuest User
Open Access Journals: Why Do I Need to Be at Uni to Access This Type of Work?

As a current third-year student, who has no interest in her current degree, I am currently debating whether a degree is relevant. The pandemic, specifically, has changed my perspective on degrees and university in general. There are lots of changes to how universities run and although some of the changes could not be helped, that has significantly changed the university experience.

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Opinion, PoliticsGuest User
Social Media: Creating Productive or Ineffective Conversation?

The face of the internet, social media, and politics is all very different. Helped along significantly by the 45th President of the United States choosing Twitter as his main policy outlet, plus the fact that we’re still essentially in our homes and connecting with the outside world through our screens two years into a pandemic, social media is no longer an optional extra when it comes to politics.

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Opinion, PoliticsGuest User